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ICICI Home Loan Status

ICICI Home Loan Status:

Bank Name: ICICI Bank

About the article - How to check ICICI home loan status online?

ICICI  home loan status can be easily tracked anytime. Unlike home loans from few banks that cannot be easily tracked online, you can check the status of ICICI home loan application status very easily from the comfort of your home. Not only home loans, ICICI offers many helpful loans such as personal loans, car loans etc to cater the different needs of customers. The main advantage of ICICI home loans is the convenience. You have so many online facilities from ICICI bank to reduce your visit to bank branches. If you are not happy with the current loan account with another bank, you can transfer it to ICICI bank also. With its express home loan offer, you can get the home loan approved in 8 hours itself. If you are looking to travel abroad and expect good online facilities, you can consider ICICI bank home loan as one of your options.

What do you need to check ICICI home loan status?

  • Application id
  • Mobile number which you have given while applying for ICICI home loan.

  •  ICICI home loan application Reference number or Form number

What if you forget your  ICICI home loan application reference number?

You need to know the below details to retrieve your ICICI home loan application reference number
  • Your name
  • Your date of birth
  • Loan Amount requested by you
  • Your Pan number

How to check ICICI home loan application status online?

There are 2 ways you can check your ICICI home loan application status online.

First option for ICIC home loan status check:

2. Enter your application id.

3. Click on Submit button.

Second option for ICIC home loan status check:

ICICI Home Loan Status

2. Select 'Check Loan Application Status' from the left side bar.

3. You will be forwarded to a new page.

4. Enter your ICICI bank home loan application reference number or form number.

5. Click on 'Submit' button to track the ICICI home loan status.

If you forget the application reference number, please follow the steps below to retrieve your reference number

1. Go to the section 'Forget Your Reference Number?'.

2. Enter the applicant's name

3. Select the applicant's date of birth.

4. Select the option 'ICICI Bank - Home Loan' from the product dropdown.

5. Enter the requested loan amount.

6. Enter the Pan number

7. Click on 'Submit' button.

Please note that the applicant's name, date of birth, loan amount requested and pan number should match with the data you have given while filling the ICICI home loan application form. 

Once you have retrieved the home loan application reference number, you can check your ICICI home loan status  as mentioned in the second option in the above paragraph.

About ICICI Home loans:

The best thing about ICICI home loan is getting the loan processed is quite easy, quick and hassle free if you are eligible and have the right documents to submit for processing. You can also transfer your existing home loan from another bank to ICICI bank if you face any problems with the current bank loan or find the ICICI home loan more interesting. Pre-approved home loan offer is also available to select customers. It also have two home insurance plans which are innovative enough to support your family in paying the outstanding home loan amount in the face of any unforeseen event happening in your life.

ICICI express home loan option is also available currently which can enable you to get your home loan approved in 8 hours itself. You have to upload all the required documents online.

Hope the article on 'ICICI Home Loan Status' is useful for you. Your queries are welcome.

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